Advanced Womens Health Center
8501 Brimhall Road #300
Bakersfield CA, 93312
Suites C and D (West side)
8501 Brimhall Road #300
Bakersfield CA, 93312
Suites C and D (West side)
The vagina does get stretched out from having childbirth and damage can occur to the muscles resulting in loss of elasticity of the vagina. This generally can not happen after sex alone. If you feel the vaginal tissue or muscle damaged from childbirth and it’s affecting your sex life, you should see your OB/GYN as there are procedures that are available.
Staying healthy is important. If you are stressed or run down your vagina is more susceptible to get infections such as Bacterial Vaginitis (BV) or yeast that can cause malodor and discharge. If you think you could have a Vaginal Infection, it’s recommended you see an OB/GYN.
Also douching, or trying to wash out the vagina is not recommended as this can wash out the good bacteria (lactobacillus) and lead to vaginal infections and malodor. Also taking lactobacillus supplements may help.
Typically a woman’s hormone levels fall to their lowest level of the cycle just before the period. This can lead to increase dryness of the vagina, which can cause itching.
In addition, because of the lower hormone levels just before your period, the vagina is also more likely to get infections and can lead to itching. If you are concerned, you should see your OB/GYN to check for and treat possible Vaginal infections and see if you are a candidate of estrogen vaginal cream that can be used prior to your period if the itching is severe.
Sometimes stress can cause a woman’s hormone levels to go out of balance which can lead to irregular periods or periods twice a month. Also, there are other medical causes of irregular periods such as uterine fibroids or polyps. You should see your OB/GYN to be evaluated for this if it’s persistent.
Generally douching is not a good idea to do because it can wash out the “good ” bacteria (lactobacillus) and lead to vaginal infections. But if rarely done or just once this may not result in an infection.
No. Waxing is fine, ladies! In fact, waxing your vagina is preferred over shaving it because shaving can lead to ingrown hairs that can lead to boils or infection on the skin. Ouch!
This can happen. A common scenario is a patient who has forgotten that she put in more than one tampon because of an extra heavy period.
Ladies, this can be dangerous as it can lead to a severe infection and toxic shock syndrome (TSS). If you think you might have this situation, you should see your OB/GYN as soon as possible.
Stop shaving first of all. Trim the hair with a scissor, wax or get laser hair removal, but don’t shave if possible as shaving introduces bacteria underneath the skin that can lead to acne or worse, boils and skin infections.
If you absolutely need to shave, exfoliate the skin somehow. One can do this with a loofah or exfoliating body scrub. This decreases the dead skin on and around the hair follicles that carry the bacteria and allow new hair to grow through the skin without being trapped by dead skin. This can prevent ingrown hairs and infections.
So many people are spreading this one around. You’ve probably heard that if you don’t pee right after you’re done having sex, you can contract a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is only sort-of true.
During sex, vaginal discharge increases which might introduce bacteria into the bladder area. Peeing after sex helps essentially release out any bacteria that may or may not get into your bladder.
But please, you don’t have to run to your bathroom the minute you finish. Relax. Just try to pee before and after sex, especially if you are prone to getting UTI’s.