Advanced Womens Health Center
8501 Brimhall Road #300
Bakersfield CA, 93312
Suites C and D (West side)
8501 Brimhall Road #300
Bakersfield CA, 93312
Suites C and D (West side)
Whether your previous c-section was emergency or elective, it is possible to have a vaginal birth in your next pregnancy. The term VBAC is a simple acronym for “Vaginal Births After C-section”
There are many pros to consider a VBAC including:
If you consent to a VBAC, you and your provider will discuss a Trial Of Labor. This term means you plan to go into labor with the plan of vaginal delivery, however, depending on the labor process, it is possible you might still end up with a c-section. In rare cases, your c-section incision can open during a vaginal birth, which poses an extreme health risk for both mother and baby.
The possibility of a VBAC can depend on a variety of things including previous birthing routes. If you have had three or more c-sections, you may not qualify as a VBAC candidate. Other high risks in pregnancy may impede you from having a VBAC.
Because every pregnancy is unique to you and your child, it is important to discuss your pregnancy history with your trusted OBGYN provider. Advanced Women’s Healthcare strives to be put patient care at the center of their mantra. Scheduling an appointment is your next step to determine if VBAC is a safe option for you and your baby.
At Advanced Women’s Healthcare, patient care is number one for you and you incoming number two. Our physicians make VBAC possible so your birthing experience is positive.